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Hostel Etiquette: Toilet

Hello dear world. Trying to stick to my resolution to blog and thus I abandoned my study plan NOOOO! Haha nah not really (I think). 

I've been living in hostels for close to 3 years now, one year in KMK and 2 years in KTSN. It is meager compared to many other people who have stayed in MRSMs or Sekolah Asrama Penuh for almost their whole lives but 3 years is still something right? =D Makes me qualified as a hostel 'reviewer'? XD Hahaha.

Anyway, what makes life in hostel good? Or for those people who've spent their whole life at home, who is too used to home life that at most, hostel life can only be bearable? One, good room. Adequate space, which my room has (wee~). Good lighting (Not so check. I never liked fluorescent lights but then better than those orange downlights. Too romantic until I cannot concentrate on my studies XD) And the list goes on and on.

Second, TOILETS. Okay, here is usually my source of frustration. Most of the toilets in our hostel is the squatting type toilets, like so:

The place where you squat down to pee (For women. If guys do this, I have nothing to say...) with indented ovals on either side of the main lubang for you to stand on, give you grip so you don't slip and one of your legs get stuck inside the draining hole and your hostel mates have to call the bomba just to release your leg.

ANYWAY, you know what I'm talking about.

Basic toilet etiquette: Flush after use. That's what most people do. Or at least hose the bowl (I dunno what is it call so I shall call it bowl even though it resembles a plate more).

And so that's what everyone does.


Observe: Bowl is very clean that it's almost shiny. But look carefully! There are 'runaway' urine collected at the oval places!

Zoom in somemore:

(Actually I don't like grammatically incorrect Malay don't know why I wrote in sms language malay at that time. So I shall correct it here: You tahu, I tahu kenapa dia warna ni. Haha)

So, this is one of my pet peeves about hostel toilets: Pools of urine at the oval places. Not only males have inproper aim, females have too and it leads to the above mentioned incidents.

But why people still ignore it?! I cannot comprehend why people can ignore the pool of urine and just walk out of the toilet with it 'staring blatantly at your face'. WHY!? Some people can flush when they enter toilet, and flush when they finish their business. Frankly, I don't know what's the point of this. Maybe they think flushing will make the smell go away? But there are pools of urine around!!! The smell is from there not the draining hole!

So here is the deal: Flushing, is not enough.

You must wash the surrounding area of the squatting place with water and make it free of urine pools so all toilet users will be happy =D Just a simple extra step and our toilets will be less stinky. Stink free is impossible la so I won't set an unrealistic goal =P

Tada! Here ends my ranting about improper toilet etiquette and what you should do to make life for other people living with you more bearable =D


  1. this is soo true and funny how you describe it with all the doodles and details, haha !!! =)

  2. Hahahaha!!! Soooooo true! Eh btw i miss your handwriting & doodles, lama tak tengok dah.. :P


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