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because we feel like model citizens

... and thus we decided to volunteer at our National Zoo recently.

Truth be told I've never been to Zoo Negara before, at least, I do not remember it. Maybe my parents brought me there when I was a baby. That's what parents like to do, bring their babies to zoo when they'll forget about it in the future. Maybe my parents did that too haha.

Once we arrived there the volunteers are separated into groups. When we were there there was a group of UPM students for Bakti Siswa and we are grouped with 3 of them and got sent of to the Savannah section. Savannah is a type of ecosystem (like rainforest) and for those who don't know, it is the ecosystem for the most famous and amazing animals in the world like rhinos, giraffe (<3), antelope and zebras =) (and if I'm not mistaken, lions too but then in the zoo lions are not under the Savannah section)

And our task of the day: CLEANING THE RHINO CAGE

And it is DAMN stinky. I kid you not. I think the smell seeped INTO my hair or something. Even after vigorous scrubbing and shampooing my sister still complains I stink of urine.

We cleaned up the exhibition area, swept the dry leaves and left out hay for the rhinos to eat. Then, we proceeded to clean up the *shudder* rhino cage. There were puddles of urine (!) and a humongous pile of poop at the corner of the enclosure. The poop, luckily we were not the one handling it but the rest (leftover leaves and etc), we have to clean up. After feeling icky and sweaty and sticky and don't forget, stinky, we finally finished our cleaning job (yay!) and proceeded to clean up the rest of the area.

 Sweeping the leaves and all like this worker hohoho.

Hand still stink after wishing with dish detergent.

And after all this, finally, REST!

(rest hour)

And after adequate rest and a little bit of exploring, we came back to our section. Our next task is: Feed the giraffe! Most of the giraffe are outside, being ogled by the public. So what we did was hung leaves which they will eat at night. However, there was one giraffe in the cage...

Say 'Hi' to Mahsuri! Why is she alone?

Because she is pregnant =O

She likes carrots, yam and surprisingly, onion =O

And purple tongue which she use to dig her nose (The GIRAFFE NOT ME).

And after it all, we just stood there and look at Mahsuri chew on food.

AND THERE ENDS OUR VOLUNTEER WORK (pretty relaxing except for the morning cleaning session)

Bye bye antelopes.

I miss you guys and MIGHT just came back again ;)


  1. I miss you peh ge pls come back home!!!!!! D8

  2. Replies
    1. Haha HI! Haha I actually went home for a day last weekend... But at that time I was tired and didn't feel like going out so I'm sorry =S This friday you come KL fetch me la haha XD


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