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Showing posts from May, 2012

because we feel like model citizens

... and thus we decided to volunteer at our National Zoo recently. Truth be told I've never been to Zoo Negara before, at least, I do not remember it. Maybe my parents brought me there when I was a baby. That's what parents like to do, bring their babies to zoo when they'll forget about it in the future. Maybe my parents did that too haha. Once we arrived there the volunteers are separated into groups. When we were there there was a group of UPM students for Bakti Siswa and we are grouped with 3 of them and got sent of to the Savannah section. Savannah is a type of ecosystem (like rainforest) and for those who don't know, it is the ecosystem for the most famous and amazing animals in the world like rhinos, giraffe (<3), antelope and zebras =) (and if I'm not mistaken, lions too but then in the zoo lions are not under the Savannah section) And our task of the day: CLEANING THE RHINO CAGE And it is DAMN stinky. I kid you not. I think the smell seep...

*blow dust*

Achoo! If my blog is a place, then I would be sneezing my head off by now. God knows how long this blog been's abandoned (well, just check back my history and you'll find out actually). It's not to say I don't want to blog anymore. It's more like... a really bad combination of laziness, lack of things and inspiration to blog and... Well, mainly laziness la =P But I will *TRY* to revive my blog. Let's see how long this will last though >.< So the blog post I shall try to revive my blog is a post about... SANDWICH! But reviving a blog needs much more than a topic to talk about and that is... PHOTOS! A blog cannot be a good blog without amazing photos =3 Sometimes when a blog post gets to long winded and you start to run your finger across the scroll button, the only thing that will actually catch back the attention of your readers is through PRETTY PHOTOS. But... I don't really have photos of presentable sandwich so... This blog post s...