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Showing posts from 2012

What I Learnt From Driving Today

Driving in SUPER. DUPER. HEAVY. RAIN is not fun. Not fun at all. What makes it even more 'fun'? =D Drivers that don't signal before they change lane in the rain. Drivers that don't turn on their headlights in the rain. JAM!!! Motorcycles that weave in and out of traffic. An annoyance in normal traffic. A heart attack during the rain. Deciding to take a detour and end up in another road that's even more jam. Taking for granted of the perfect visibility during a sunny day and in 200m visibility, being unable to see the Touch 'n' Go lane and went to the wrong lane. Trying to get back the Touch 'n' Go lane and got caught in another jam for 30 minutes =D Pressure sore was developing on my butt by the time I got home grr. But never mind I'm home now and now the rain is a comfort rather than an annoyance =D

*writer's block*

Not that I write much in the first place but the occasional few times I have some inspiration to write a blog post, 3-4 times since my super long ago last blog post, the worlds just don't come out. The idea is there in my head but somehow I just can't translate what I have in my mind to words on my laptop screen. Occasionally words do flow but when I re-read it, I'll either deem it too sucky or too personal and delete the whole blog post =P So... Yea. See ya next time! XD

Another trip to Melaka

See this green puff? It's a baby rambutan! I bet most of you know that already but... I don't O.O They remind me of my dear baby hamsters (6 of 'em puff balls) before the EVIL NEIGHBOURHOOD CAT pushed down the hamster cage and annihilated all my living puff balls/hamsters.  Anyway, the point of this post is... I went to Melaka (Malacca) the last weekend with my family. And ate non stop.  Nasi Lemak served with Kangkung. My dad says it's a Hokkien thing... Serving Nasi Lemak with plain kangkung. True? Nyonya Laksa! From Bess Kopitiam, as recommended by my friend. Nyonya laksa is always awesome. But  it isn't sour enough for our liking =S So, so far the best nyonya laksa I've tasted is at Jonker88 (Sure there are more awesome laksa elsewhere but a 2 day tour at Melaka just isn't enough to savour them >.<) Finally made our way to the hotel =) I'm not one who can describe hotel rooms properly. So I'll l

Daily Food Adventure

Checked back on old photos on my camera because I was reminiscing about my short hair days and one of the photos is: Nek-ked teddy bear cookie! I'm putting it here because it's cute =3 Boredom has set in again and other than spending time with my love, I cooked or modify something that's already cooked. For almost every meal wee~ Breakfast: Curry Maggi. Been craving for it for quite a while. But after today I think I'll stay away from Maggi for quite a period of time >.< Somehow instant stuff doesn't do well in my tummy. Lunch:  Fried rice didn't look appetising so I added some cheese on top with chilli sauce. Cheese makes everything better =Q Afternoon Snack: My proudest dish for today! I made ONION RINGS from scratch! =D Crunchy, fresh, sweet and salty at the same time. Better than onion rings from A&W and prepackaged rings you buy from hypermarkets. Goes well with Thai Chilli sauce they commonly s

Work and... I'm old.

During the start of the holidays I was moaning about having no job for the 1st month. But now I'm REALLY grateful I did not have a job during that period haha. Enabled me to laze around and more importantly, watch Olympics 24/7 XD Plus, I already got a 1.5 weeks job during the end of August which is... Cashering at BookFest 2012! People always mistaken it and call it as Popular Book Fair (I used to have this misconception as well) but after working there are 11 days (!!!), I learn to properly call it as BookFest, organised by Popular, but still have other publishers and companies there as well (9 days of answering customer's question with this answer XD) The 1.5 week was erm... ERM... psst my pay isn't out yet   Enjoyable to say the least. The people there are awesome =) I seriously love everyone especially those I worked with at our cashier lane =) We 10 (in a lane) are people of totally different personality but that's what makes working together

Pesto and baking

Yes sometimes I do get bored and lonely watching Olympics, especially during the afternoon. So what I do is either eat (something, surprisingly, I'm doing very little. Which is BAAAD) or bake. And for this week I've settled with baking and along the way, found out I made too much and pizza became our dinner too for that night. Oh and I made pizza from scratch! The day before pizza baking, I made pesto. I used it as a base for my pizza (the icky greenish tinge) and bro kinda hated it so for my second pizza I used tomato paste as the base. For that pizza (forgot to take a photo of that) my brother requested for second helpings heheh. Eh but my pesto wasn't disgusting. Other than my brother (The da sao ye pfft), everyone else enjoyed it =D   Had left over pesto so I mixed it with angel hair pasta and a handful of toasted pine nuts and it was yummy! Yea it's green and looks bland but trust me it's yummy! But then again the next time I make i

Olympics: My Favourite Part 1

(This post mostly for own memory keeping purposes. And NOT for non Olympic watchers) Hadn't been blogging much because... OLYMPIC IS HERE. THE OLYMPICS ARE HERE!!!! (runs around like crazy) I know not everyone watch Olympics. I have a feeling that the only time that most Malaysians watch Olympics is when our Dato' Lee Chong Wei is playing. But NOT ME! I've been watching Olympics since the opening ceremony. Day and night, night and day watching Olympics. @.@ Me the Crazy Olympic Watcher. Luckily I'm not fat and a couch potato (soon to be) or else I'll be the new meme Scumbag Fat Girl. Like most people, I like Olympics because of it's spirit. The ability to unite everyone from the whole world and in a smaller scale, unite Malaysians. Olympics is a time where people scream and cheer together. What the heck while I was typing that out I feel so fake hahaha. Textbook answer much? I usually scoff when people write those kind of stuff and can'

Wondermilk: Citta Mall

The last time I went to Baci at Citta Mall me and my sis saw this shop and we were too full to try it then. But friend wanted to try out the milk there again so yay, a chance to eat there! =3 Wondermilk. Personally didn't try it but Ariel tried Vanilla and Irish Cream and she said vanilla is better. Irish cream smells like coffee to me =X Beer rashers. My lunch! Totally didn't expect the huge amount of bacon =Q But for some reason, when I'm halfway through the second sandwich, my tongue became kelat =S Probably due to the mayo which also made me feel really full even after a few bites. California Chicken, Phav's lunch. Overall, I wasn't pleased with the lunch. Why? 1. The side dish, the potato salad was cold and hard and tasted like potatoes that budded. 2. They were served in paper plates, with paper spoon and fork. Ketchup and chilli are served in packets. In short, all non-reusable items. 3. The kelat sandwich. It's nice but... it